
bad sleep

bloody bastards! I couldn't sleep last night! this rented shit makes me soooo angry!

20 de comentarii:

  1. is that your car? hahahahaa
    it is looking quite interesting (for me at least) but why the fuck you live there???

  2. @hannibal - actually that's my car!! I was busy "visiting" last night...
    @gaspar - baby, give u my word you'll sleep better today! there is none left to bother you hehehehe!!!

  3. boys, pleese doun't bee meen to anohter!

  4. just ignore us sweetie!
    gaspare, frate, where is the bloody place you were talking about?
    I need a mask quickly!
    get a nice apartment and I'll keep you inspired, don't worry!

  5. your mothers asked me to tell you they were sooooo wrong to have you!

  6. bai, Anonim, get the fuck out of our blog!

  7. sorry, guys, I was out of town, partying with some rich and stupid guys! Director's cut, what to say!
    let me just answer our pussi chet: miere, are you interested in being a fuckin star? Come on Saturday to kombinat, that's the place me and my friends are going to be all day long, we have some business to do there and we can have a chat. nu fi proasta!
    baietzi, deci kombinat is on 22 tudor arghezi st., behind the theatre, come in the afternoon, we'll have a drink and some victims for you:)

  8. gaspar u r so qiut! of corse I come 4 u!

  9. Buna, nu stiu daca am nimerit bine, m-ar interesa niste martisoare in forma de lebada, aveti idee unde as putea sa gasesc?
    Multumesc anticipat.

  10. SC Plexiglas SRL vindem panouri de diferite dimensiuni. Contactati-ne intre 8 si 18.

  11. astia sunt praf toti, ce dracu ba lasati sa scrie toti looserii la voi pe blog? rusineee!!!

  12. Martisoare doar in forma de lebada neagra.

  13. Aaa, nu, multumesc, pe mine m-ar fi interesat niste lebede mici cu pene roz. Sau rosu cu alb, in cel mai rau caz.

  14. Rosu cu alb doar comanda speciala.
    Veniti sambata la Kombinat si lasati o comanda ferma.
    Va asteptam.
    Dar ferma.

  15. Pai atunci in mod ferm doresc sa comand vreo 200. Il botez pe ala micu si vreau sa fac cadou la invitati martisoare. Va multumesc. Vin sambata sa le ridic.

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  17. Doamna cu fantana, va rog, cred ca ati gresit blogul.
